hi, i’m zara


i’m an artist, art therapist and social worker. as a teen i was given my first film camera (my father’s old nikon N80) and i quickly fell in love with photography. the process of shooting and developing film felt powerful. through the process of taking pictures i was able to literally see life through my lens and then be able to look at it / relate to it outside of myself. from there, the process of developing the images in the darkroom guided me by teaching me/ helping me practice some of the most important life skills (such as presence, patience, radical acceptance and letting go of control). i learned in my later high school years that art therapy existed and i immediately sought out a way to blend my love for photography / creative expression with my ability to connect deeply with people and care deeply with them. here i am now, continuously creating, connecting and now sharing some of the work along the way.

art always was and continues to be a big part my therapy and overall self care. the images i create give insight into the inner world i navigate. here are some for you to explore. to learn more about my work on the professional end, visit my website.

UPCOMING SHOW: https://www.bayviewartandlit.com/zaradrapkinauthentichumans

COLLABS: https://earthbodieszine.com

contact zara drapkin:

